
Jeffrey Sachs


Dfurstane's Spiritual Beliefs

  Dfurstane’s Spiritual Beliefs Devotees for Universal Rights Stand Tall After Natural Enlightenment. After years of study and meditation on the World Religions from the Eastern and Western perspectives e.g., history, dogma, ethics, rituals, and sacred texts, this author carved out an Eternal Path based on the following concepts. Baruch Spinoza’s (1632-77) views on “Nature Is God” are essential. Nature is the World’s Arbiter. Humans accumulate debts while evolving that must be repaid. People are responsible for balancing the goals of their communities, institutions, and nation. With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). God is in control. God, heal our souls. God is in control. God, save our souls. While pursuing goals people are challenged, and tested in the Earth School. In Origin of the Species (1859), Charles Darwin explained how with evolution the fittest survive. People’s lives are mainly predestined to accomplish Nature’s Master Plan. All shoul...

Yasser Arafat


Isaac Asimov


Haile Selassie


