The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule
Every religion has a golden rule.
Treat others as you wish to be treated.
How marvelous are those words.
They show the depths of love and compassion.
So what should you do if your neighbor offends you?
Some may say like the bible verse “an eye for an
But this will only make the whole world blind.
Instead it’s best to practice forgiveness.
But suppose the hurt is quite deep.
What should you do to alleviate this pain?
It’s best to pray and be sure you’re in the right
frame of mind.
Talk your situation through with a loved one that
you trust.
If that doesn’t help, seek the service of a trusted
Suffering such a painful hurt could be devastating.
So it’s better to realize that two wrongs don’t make
things right.
Why rub salt in a wound that’s already open.
Instead, endeavor to ease the pain to find peace.
Always remember looking at a ray of sunshine
Is better than ushering in disastrous consequences
Live according to the golden rule.
“Loving God, let us remember it’s better to forgive
than to retaliate in kind. Guide us to
follow the tenets of the golden rule as we deal with our family, friends, and
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