Symbolism of Fire


Symbolism of Fire

Fire is an emblem of divinity, political, and social unity

For millions of years with fire our ancestors kept warm

It protected them from being attacked by wild animals

Served as a meeting place for tribal communities

Where religious rites like chanting and telling stories were performed

Most importantly after a hunt hunters cooked their meals


Ancient traditions glorify fire

In the Hindu tradition the goddess Shiva –

Destroyer, transformer, maintainer, and preserver is depicted as dancing in a circle of fire

The Book of Exodus describes Moses’s encounter with a burning bush

Classical Greek mythology shows how Promethus –

The champion of mankind stole fire from the gods to give to humans

Acts of the Apostles reminded Christian believers

How the Holy Spirit appeared to the disciples as flames of fire


In ancient Persia and Rome fire played a prominent role

The Zoroastrian religion made use of fire, and clean water to represent ritual purity

While priests tended the eternal fires on fire-altars

In the Roman religion Vestal was the Roman goddess of the hearth

Who was the protectorate

And were served by chaste Vestal Virgins


Today Paris burns a flame of national significance

It’s known as The Eternal Flame at the Arc de Triomphe

John F. Kennedy’s Eternal Flame symbolizes eternal life

While the flame at the War Memorial

Shows Americans’ profound gratitude towards the remembrance

Of our dead service men and women


“Almighty Creator, help us to understand more fully the usage of fire.  Let us be always blessed by the good things it signifies.”




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