A Grateful Heart


A Grateful Heart

Yes, we’re living in a new reality.

Things aren’t what they use to be.

We’re older and living in our homes

And we now watch what we do.

But still, we have grateful hearts.


Thanks for the gift of New Technology.

We can keep in touch with friends.

Often, we visit them on social media,

Where we can pour our hearts out.

“It’s a brand-new world,” our friends say.

“Things have changed for the better.”


Fortunately, many of us have the means.

We aren’t confined to assisted living homes.

Or, live in nursing facilities for the aged.

We’re fortunate to be living in our own homes.


We can therefore send cards to our dear friends,

Contribute to various charities of our choice,

And give a life line to the less fortunate.

It’s definitely ideal, but still, we’re thankful,

To be living in a country with such abundance.




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