Old Age Surprises

Old Age Surprises Old age can be a great blessing. How people still wish to be young? But the elderly can strive in beautiful ways. Many still wonder about this stage of life. Wrinkles and warts may adorn the face. But smiles and gray hairs tell a different story. They may be friends about a life well-lived. How one’s glorious past does reveal itself. Where did you work? What sort of life did you live? Were you kind and generous to others? Did you complain about your lifestyle? Friends can tell these details from your badges. These are crevices that appear on your body. Gradually, you may not notice them as they form. But these scars may tell the story of a difficult life. So, as you live be sure to be kind to yourself. Find friends with whom you can celebrate life’s joys. For, old age can come wrap in a blanket full of surprises. Being elderly is a time to reflect on living with paradoxes. ...