Creating Better Lives


Creating Better Lives

Let’s try to make life better.

Do this by how you live.

But your focus has to be intentional.

The goal is to accomplish these dreams.


It’s good to dream of a better world.

Look for ways by which you can help.

Some simple acts will do the trick.

But people have to do take some steps.


Firstly, try to focus on being healthy.

So, you’ve to decide to eat the right foods.

It’s best to cut down on meat in your diet.

It’s preferable to walk to places when you can.


Be wise how you treat your living space.

Turn off lights when you’re not in a room.

It’s wise to watch wholesome shows on TV.

Learn the benefits of using social media.


Remember you’re always a voter in society.

Make it a conscious effort with the choices you make.

Know which good products you’re going to buy.

These decisions go a long way of creating better lives.




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