The Second Mountain
The Second Mountain
David Brooks’s The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral
Life provided guidelines for readers seeking to pursue a better life. He wrote
about two hypothetical mountains. The first is ego-centric that’s when an
individual is bent on having a career. While at a university such a person
focuses on a major, he hopes will fulfill his dreams. The goal is to get a good
job, get promoted, and excel at his work. Soon, this employee rises to the top,
and feels as though he has conquered the world by being independent.
At this level of accomplishment, he feels on top of the
first mountain. Suddenly, he suffers a wakeup call. He realizes that there was
a lack of meaning in this quest. This awareness might have resulted from a
death in the family, a sudden illness, accident, depression, or a feeling of
despondency. Now, he finds himself in a valley below. But while in despair he
rethinks his motivations for success, and comes to the conclusion that he
should pursue a different course in life.
This sudden fall and sometimes humiliation have spurred him
on a new trajectory. He arises out of this painful doldrum to pursue new goals.
He begins to think about interdependence and how he could be of service to
others. This causes him to join an organization, embrace some group that he
likes, and to live a completely different lifestyle. This is when he has transitioned
to the second mountain of his life. This individual may be much older now, and
as a result was able to discover his true calling in life.
Brooks also wrote about marriage, the mistakes he has made,
divorce, and remarriage. He also discussed the ramifications of faith. His embracement
of Judaism and Christianity that followed, and how he came to be shaped by both
traditions. In the latter part of the book, he pointed out why community was necessary.
Brooks dissected some social organizations to show why they became successful
in serving their communities. He ended the book with a manifesto that was
basically a recapitulation of his discussion in the text.
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