Black-Eyed Susan


Black-Eyed Susan

Yes! Planters are more than mortals.

They are helpers of nature.

Gardeners’ plant and flowers grow.

But it’s nature that determines the outcome.


Take the black-eyed Susan!

How does a planter get the best results?

Black-eyed Susan must be planted

When the soil’s temperature is about 70 degrees

The planting period is from March to May.

Seedlings flower from June to September.


Black-eyed Susan loves the sun.

So, fertilize the soil for the best results.

Check the plants to see if they need watering.

And be sure the soil doesn’t dry out.


Remove dead leaves to prolong blooming.

And you should know when and how to prune.

The smaller blooms will occur in the fall

But a gardener is just helping nature

To ensure the black-eyed Susan grows well.

Still, a planter must guard against slugs, snails, Aphids,

And fungi by using an organic and anti-fungal program.


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