A Family's Challenges


A Family’s Challenges

What a breath of fresh air!

Our mother was lovely and kind.

She was a symbol of goodness.

And lived for her eleven children.


Mom’s family is in the Americas.

They walk the streets of North America.

Some dwell on Canadian soil.

But most reside in Guyana, South America.


The Thomas’s were born in Georgetown.

They were delivered by a local midwife.

Their first home was a three-room house

That was situated in the heart of North Road.


All the children have grown to be adults.

They have lost two of their brothers and a sister.

Yet, their memories live on and are dear to them.

These loved ones reside within their hearts.


Life has treated the adult children well.

Most of them are married with children of their own.

Through their jobs, they have been able to live good lives.

But, like everyone else their families have had challenges.    


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