Spiritual Aphorisms



Light drives out darkness.

Nature is God.

Planets rotate in harmony.

People can heal the earth.

There is beauty in nature.

Life is joy.

The truth shall set us free.

Faith heals souls.

Hope builds morale.

Peace creates harmony.

Freedom is Divine.

With courage people don’t have fear.

Compassion embraces empathy.

Prayer changes lives for the better.

Where ever I am God is. 

May I become a protector for those without protection.

With those plagued with suffering of their body and mind be healed.

Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity.

Forgive us our trespasses.

Forgive those who trespass against us.

Let wisdom triumph over ignorance.

Let your life bring Heaven to earth.

Steer the ship of my life safely from storms and conflict.

I will fear no evil for you are with me.

Bless and keep us from evil.

Be wise and accept the essence of all scriptures.

Follow a path with your whole heart and devotion.

Awake from the illusion of being separate.

Lead us from the unreal to the real.

May all things be the source of peace.

Beat your swords into plowshares.

Trust God who hears and knows all things.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Mother Earth provide for your children.

May all be safe, happy, and free.

May the powerless find power.

Let all creatures forgive us.

Let truthful living be your goal.

Be a lamp for those walking in darkness.

Hear our prayers in time of war and conflict.

Truth triumphs over falsehood.

Give witness to the truth by the way you live.

Let your common sense put an end to strife.

From a seed a mighty tree may grow.

Speak up on behalf of this planet, our home.

Nature never hurries, everything grows in its own time.

Eternity shines through time.

Whatever affects one affects all.

Love transforms the world.

Trees have a spiritual impact on all life.

The best time is Now.

Like a tree people have the power to reborn.

When you look for light, you will become light.

The entire power of the universe resides in you.

Only a peaceful person can calm others.

The earth is one country, mankind its citizens.

We are leaves of one tree, and drops of the same ocean.

Flowers are sunshine, food, and medicine for the soul.

Love all of God's creation, every grain of sand.

Let the peace on earth begin with you.

Every step you take, let it be your joyful vow. 

Walk with each other in perfect harmony.

Mend the world with the truth of your inner life.

Pray in humility for world peace.

Pray for peace in our hearts, homes, nations, and world.

Prevent the destruction of wild life and save those that suffer.

Protect animals, soil, air, and water.

May people rejoice in the diversity of the natural world.

May believers be faithful stewards of all that have been 

entrusted to us.

May your joy radiate throughout the world like the sun.

Reverence is awareness of the Creator's presence.

Take time to contemplate, pray, and reflect.  

Pray until each member of humanity awakes to the law of their 

divinity, and create world peace. 

Strengthen our resole to give witness to these truths.   



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