God, Help Me! God, I am conflicted. My heart aches. Things are falling apart. I have been meditating on scripture of the World Religions as a guide. “Are all things really possible?” According to Matthew 19:26? I have been dogged with impure thoughts that I acted on. But if they were true, why am I conflicted? At times, I have refrained from these thoughts. But as I reflect on them, and I am not at peace. I am in turmoil over this matter. For years this conflict has been going on. I sense such thoughts are not divinely inspired. They are bad and deceptive. They are of the flesh, selfish, and worthless. I do not understand how I could have been deceived. After reflecting on scripture I became convinced about this deception. For too long this deception has been going on. I know that my actions have consequences. All things are possible, but they might not be right. I believe Hinduism’s teaching that sex is holy. This belief is true, but als...