God, Help Me!


God, Help Me!

God, I am conflicted.

My heart aches.

Things are falling apart.

I have been meditating on scripture of the World Religions as a guide.

“Are all things really possible?” According to Matthew 19:26?

I have been dogged with impure thoughts that I acted on.

But if they were true, why am I conflicted?

At times, I have refrained from these thoughts.

But as I reflect on them, and I am not at peace.

I am in turmoil over this matter.

For years this conflict has been going on.

I sense such thoughts are not divinely inspired.

They are bad and deceptive.

They are of the flesh, selfish, and worthless.

I do not understand how I could have been deceived.

After reflecting on scripture I became convinced about this deception.

For too long this deception has been going on.

I know that my actions have consequences.

All things are possible, but they might not be right.

I believe Hinduism’s teaching that sex is holy.

This belief is true, but also false.

It depends on what form sex takes.

Selfish thoughts about sex are bad.

But I somehow felt these thoughts, and actions were good.

Sex is the foundation of life.

That is how species procreate and multiply.

If sex is love, it is enjoyable and beautiful.

God, you have shown me these signs that I have ignored.

I sincerely regret my selfish actions about sex.

God, please forgive me of these wrongs.

Cleanse my mind with pure thoughts.

Fill me again with joy, and renewed hope.

Help me, so that I do not go back on my word.

God, help me make this path forward clear.

God, evil could be subtle and deceiving.

I learn that bad thoughts, and secret acts are deplorable.

Whatever is done under cover is known to You.

No one could hide their faults from You.

Evil takes many forms.

Negative thoughts are counterproductive and harmful.

Please forgive the harm I have caused.

God, wipe my slate clean.

Help me to live a spotless life.

I believe that thoughts have power.

God, please forgive my indiscretions.

Help me to view all women positively.

God, remove the lustful thoughts, and desires from my heart.

God, forgive, and bless me.

Please God, save me from having pernicious thoughts.

Grant me a renewed life filled with grace.

Again God, please have Mercy, have Mercy!

Look favorably on me again, and forgive my past indiscretions.

Thank you God, from the bottom of my heart.

I know that secret lives are like an opened book to You.



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